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Research Report of Developing Trend of Beijing Commerce Industry =

报告目&= #24405;及图表目录

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智研数据研究中心 &#= 32534;制

一、 报&= #21578;报价

Research Report of Developing Trend of Beijing Commerce Industry信息及时,资料详&#= 23454;,指导性强,具有?= 20;家,独到,独特的优= 势。旨在帮助客户掌= 5569;区域经济趋势,获?= 1;优质客户信息,准确&= #12289;全面、迅速了解目= 069;行业发展动向,从而= ;提升工作效率和效果&#= 65292;是把握企业战略发ì= 37;定位不可或缺的重要= 决策依据。 =

报告详细#= 775;问地址://www.compuke.net/b/maoyi/A718941MC1.html

产品?= 5;格:印刷版:RMB 9800 电子版:RMB 9800 印刷版+电子版:RMB 10000 <= /o:p>

全国?= 9;一客服电话:400-600-8596= (免长话费)010-80993963


联系?= 4;:刘老师谭老师陈老师 =

报= ;告说明、目录及图表&#= 30446;录详见第二部分。 =

二、 说&= #26126;、目录、图表目录

[b]Research Report of Developing Trend of Beijing Commerce Industry 内容介绍:[/b]   Table of content   Chapter One. Analysis on commerce and developing environment - 5 -   Section one. Definition - 5 -   A. Category - 5 -   1. Analysis on features - 5 -   2. Category and features - 5 -   B. Research category - 6 -   Section two. Analysis on developing environment - 6 -   A. Relationship with overall economy - 7 -   B. Relative policies and impact - 10 -   C. Development of relative industries and impact - 13 -   Chapter Two. Overall Development - 52 -   Section one. Analysis on development - 52 -   A. Analysis on macro-economy in 2006 - 52 -   B. Features of development in 2006 - 55 -   Section two. Analysis on competition structure - 55 -   Section three. Existing problems and developing trend - 58 -   Chapter Three. Development of Automobile Trade - 59 -   Section one. General development - 59 -   A. New trend of development - 59 -   B. Trade protection policies to the development of China’s automobile industry - 61 -   C. International trade environment - 64 -   Section two. Development of upstream development and the impact - 65 -   A. Analysis on change of production from 2001 to 2006 - 67 -   Section three. Analysis on market and competition structure - 71 -   A. General introduction - 71 -   B. Status quo and features - 74 -   C. Oversea investment - 76 -   D. Demand and trend prediction - 79 -   E. Main problems - 80 -   Section four. Analysis on enterprises - 81 -   Chapter Four. Development of Building Material Trade Industry - 82 -   Section one. General development - 82 -   A. Analysis of development - 82 -   B. Developing new types of buidling materials is the requirments of the strategy of continuous development - 84 -   C. Prospects - 84 -   D. Anti-policy and suggestion - 85 -   Section two. Development of upstream development and the impact - 86 -   Section three. Analysis on market performance and competition structure - 87 -   A. Main features of export in 2006 - 88 -   B. Impact of rist of exchange rate of RMB - 92 -   C. Impact of adjustment of tariff - 93 -   D. Prospect of export in 2007- 93 -   Section four. Analysis on major building material enterprises - 94 -   A. Top 100 are the pillar of building material industry - 94 -   B. The scale of top 100 is expanding, and the gap between them is enlarging - 95 -   C. Industrial distribution - 96 -   D. Features of top 100 distribution - 98 -   Chapter Five. Development of Steel Industry - 100 -   Section one. General development - 100 -   Section two. Development of upstream development and the impact - 101 -   Section three. Analysis on market performance and competition structure - 101 -   Section four. Analysis on enterprises - 102 -   A. Market position - 102 -   B. Price fixing strategy - 103 -   Chapter Six. Development of Coal trade industry - 105 -   Section one. General development - 105 -   1. Impacting elements - 105 -   2. Analysis on supply and demand - 105 -   Section two. Development of upstream development and the impact - 106 -   Section three. Analysis on market performance and competition structure - 107 -   Section four. Analysis on enterprises - 110 -   Chapter Seven. Analysis on Electrics Trade Competition - 112 -   Section one. General development - 112 -   A. Comprehensive analysis on home appliances brands in 2006 - 112 -   B. Prediction of pre-alert of domestic home appliance brands in 2007 - 113 -   Section two. Development of upstream development and the impact - 113 -   Section three. Analysis on market performance and competition structure - 115 -   A. Comprehensive analysis on home appliances brands in 2006 - 115 -   B. Prediction of pre-alert of domestic home appliance brands in 2007 - 116 -   C. Report of assessment of home appliance brands in 2006 - 117 -   Section four. Analysis on enterprises - 117 -   Chapter Eight. Development of Retailing (including supermarkts) Industry - 120 -   Section one. Development - 120 -   Section two. Development of supermarket industry - 121 -   A. Status quo of supermarket - 121 -   B. Marketing strategies - 123 -   Section three. Development of retailing (including supermarkets) industry - 124 -   Chapter Nine. Analysis on features of Trade Enterprises - 126 -   Section one. Capital operation features - 126 -   Section two. Analysis on index reference standards - 130 -   Section three. Analysis on features of retailing and supermarket industry - 133 -   A. Analysis on developing trend - 134 -   B. Analysis on change regulation of shopping centers in China - 136 -   Chapter Ten. Suggestions of Investment and Finance Exploration - 146 -   Section one. Analysis on Investment Opportunities of Trade Industry in Beijing - 146 -   Section two. Analysis on risks of investment and suggestions on prevention - 150 -   A. Analysis on finance crises - 150 -   B. Prevention of finance risks - 151 -   C. Suggestions on investment and finance exploration from 2007 to 2010 - 152 -   Attachment: Information on enterprises related with trade industry - 155 -

报?= 8;详细访问地址://www.compuke.net/b/maoyi/A718941MC1.html

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